BitTorrent Client ?Torrent to Soon Start Charging Users For Torrent downloads

uTorrent client explores the options to make the users pay, as the freeware version is not viable

uTorrent, a popular BitTorrent client, is planning to do away with the free software revenue model and will ask users to pay for the software instead.

uTorrent is a client for loading .torrent files and BitTorrent software, which is used to download and share large files, music and movies online. When the client first launched, the software was extremely small, clean and easy to use. However, as the popularity of BitTorrent technology increased, the list of uTorrent users also began to increase.

With currently over 170 million users on its books, the uTorrent team had to create a revenue model that would keep the development of the client running.

BitTorrent Inc., which is uTorrent’s parent company in recent years has starting making revenue from the client through bundled software and advertisements. Though this works, but it’s also a nuisance for users and the company itself, as it can slow down systems and tarnishes the reputation of uTorrent as clean, compact software. It also connects the torrent client with riskware.

The uTorrent team says that it’s never been happy with the bundled software approach. In the following weeks and months to come, the team plans to test several alternatives to keep the user experience up, but become less reliant on this revenue model. According to the team, paid options will soon be on the horizon, with “options for every budget.”

“As you know, uTorrent is a free piece of software. To support it, we use bundled software and offers to offset the cost that would otherwise be paid directly by the user,” they note.

“We’ve never been satisfied with this revenue model. It requires compromises that detract from a premium user experience. We want to find a model that adds value to our product and our users. We want to find a better way.”

Though the alternatives might be is not yet clear, but the team wants to make uTorrent the best client out there while being transparent about the changes in the revenue model.

However, it would be fair to speculate that different subscription or price models would correspond to basic or enhanced BitTorrent client features. For instance, a monthly, yearly, or lifetime subscription could be an option, as with so many uTorrent users, this could generate enough revenue to keep the company going. However, it is unknown how much users will be expected for each bundle.

“We’ve always been at the forefront of innovation for peer-to-peer technology. We are excited to now take on this new and wholly different challenge,” the team said.

Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!

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