Robot Beats Japanese Master Swordsman: Super Samurai (VIDEO)

Robot vs Super Samurai : Robot defeats Japanese Master Swordsman (VIDEO)

Engineers from Japan have developed a robot that can do moves that are similar or identical to a samurai sword master and then beat his โ€œteacherโ€ in a fight. The samurai machine carries out hard-angled cuts with speed and accuracy without breaking any sweat.

Amidst the robotโ€™s most impressive performance is a party trick where it is able to slice a runner bean lengthways.

The robot fought against Isao Machii, a renowned Japanese swordsman from whom it learned how to have altercation by motion capturing his moves.

According to The Independent, Machii can slice a fried shrimp shot at him at about 130 km per hour. However, when he was pitted against the machine, he lost the swordfight.

Having truly wonderful skills, Robot arms have entered the spotlight recently with one beating a world table tennis champion in March, while the Russian military robots scoring high at a shooting challenge during field training a month ago.

In April, a company in UK revealed a robo-chef that was able to prepare meals from scratch.

Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!

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