Now anybody can create Ransomware using open source kit on GitHub

Turkish security bod puts Ransomwareย on GitHub

Ransomware are a pain for PC and laptop owners because they encrypt PCs/Laptop in return for a ransom which if not paid may permanently lock away users important folders like your images, word and excel files etc. However upto now the malware for Ransomware was only available on Dark Web, but that will change now thanks to a Turkish security researcher, Utku Sen.

Turkish security bod Utku Sen has published what seems to be the first open source ransomware that anyone can download and spread. The ‘Hidden Tear’ ransomware, available at GitHub, is a working version of the malware the world has come to hate. It uses AES encryption to lock down files and could display a scare warning or ransom message to get users to pay.

Utku Sen warns, โ€œWhile this may be helpful for some, there are significant risks. The Hidden Tear may be used only for Educational Purposes. Do not use it as a ransomware!โ€

The “Hidden TearRansomware package consists of four files namely:

The Features of Hidden Tear are:

Uses AES algorithm to encrypt files.
Sends encryption key to a server.
Encrypted files can be decrypt in decrypter program with encryption key.
Creates a text file in Desktop with given message.
Small file size (12 KB)
Doesnโ€™t detected to antivirus programs (15/08/2015)

This Ransomware it is not so advanced like other threat like Cryptowall or Cryptolocker but it does his job, as educational purposes.

You can check the demonstration video made by Utku Sen


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