Top 10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Hackers

Follow these Top 10 Tech Security Tips To Keep Yourself Safe From Hackers

If you are surfing the net or your computer is linked in anyway to Internet, you would be aware of the risks that cyber criminals pose to you. Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. On the other hand, data security means protecting data, such as a database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of unauthorized users.

Every computer user needs to know the basic things to keep their device and data secure. Given below are the few tips and habits that can help you:

10. Look Out for Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is the biggest security concern these days, as cyber thieves and hackers smartly gain access to your secure information either through mimicking other companies, phishing and other common strategies. You need to be careful of all the suspicious phone calls, emails, links and other communications that you receive. Also, it is known that most of the data breaches come from internal sources. Hence, awareness is the important key, as it may be astonishing to know that even security experts can be easily tricked or hacked into.

9. Make Your Phone’s Lock Code More Secure

Many of us consider that the default 4-digit PIN is the most secure locking code. However, it is not. It is always better to add an extra digit to make your phone more secure. For iOS and Android, go to settings and add one more digit to make your phone’s lock code more. Further, Android also has lock screen tools that lets you enhance your phone’s security. Lastly, it is recommended to change your PIN if it’s one of these.

8. Always Back Up Your Computer/Smartphone

It is vital to frequently backup and make duplicate copies of all your important data to keep it safe. You can use a backup system with CrashPlan, or Windows’ built-in tools or Mac’s Time Machine.

7. Install the Best Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

To keep viruses and malware at bay, it is suggested that you use one antivirus tool, such as Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac or such as Avira for Windows, as well as an anti-malware tool for on-demand scanning, such as Malwarebytes.

6. Lock Down Your Wireless Router

The first line of defense for your home network is your router. To keep your Wi-Fi secure, you need to change the router’s administrator login, use WPA2 (AES) encryption, and change other basic settings.

5. Never Send Sensitive Information Over Email Unless It’s Encrypted

Sensitive information, such as your bank info, social security number, tax returns, or confidential business info, should never be sent over email without encryption. It’s too risky. Encrypt files with one of these tools before sending them or use a service like super simple ProtonMail or encrypt your emails with PGP. Encrypt all the things.

4. Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi Without A VPN

While using public Wi-Fi, it is important to use a network that has security. To stay safe on public Wi-Fi networks, your best defense will be to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which keeps you safe even in other conditions too.

3. Use A Password Manager

It is impossible to remember every password for each and every site and service you use. That’s where password managers come handy. While security and convenience are the features that you need to look for, however, select the password that has the features you need.

2. Use Two-Factor Verification

Two-factor authentication offers the extra layer of security that protects you in case your password gets stolen. Turn this feature on in all the places where you can use TwoFactorAuth. Further, if you lose your phone (most often used as the authentication device), you can still get back into your account if you plan ahead.

1. Frequently Review Your App Permissions and Security Settings

Lastly, you still have to be watchful and make sure your software is always up-to-date besides following the above steps. Always remember to update the router firmware or regularly clean up app permissions, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or use a site like MyPermissions to clean up multiple services. You can even get a bonus for keeping up with your security needs, as Google sometimes offers free storage just for doing a security check.

If you follow the above procedures, you will be always be safe surfing the Internet.

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Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!


  1. First, fix #1 to read 1 not 10! 🙂
    10. Problem is, your average person doesn’t know what this is. And people have become accustomed to “talking.” And if it’s a company employee, pretending your the companies IT dept will for the most part give you access you need. Companies need to clamp down on this.

    9. Encrypting the device and using a password instead of swipe or PIN is the way to go. But people prefer ease of access over security.

    8. The best option for this is to make manual back ups to an external drive and unplug it when not in use. Relying on back up companies, you put your data in their hands. And should they have a data breach, you paid for nothing.

    7. Old but still true. However, todays campaigns are a lot more complex and bypass even the best security. But you still need this basic protection.

    6. Regardless of how you “lock” down your router, it still very easy to hack. WPS attacks, brute forcing. Regardless of how much you try and secure your average router, anyone with a little patience will own it.

    5. Most emails are encrypted by default. Most companies should have encryption set up on exchange. You loose out if you implement encryption using a 3rd party app and the receiver doesn’t have that. Especially coming to job offers, Dr’s offices, etc. Using something like Gmail or ProtonMail is the best option.

    4. Using VPN on all your devices is a must. Some companies like Private Internet Access help you set it up on your computers, tablets and phones. Most people don’t know what a MIT attack is. I think this is a must for everyone.

    3. Password managers along with 2FA are a great option to keeping things secure. Setting up 2FA on your password manager is a must.

    2. 2FA on everything is a must. Make sure to get 1 time usable codes in case of an emergency. If a site, be it a financial institution, school, website, set up 2FA.

    1. This is something a lot of people don’t do. Even myself sometimes forget this on a regular basis.

    Overall, good tips. But examples would be better per item.


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