know top 5 Best free android app, from android app store for 2013.

Most of the people use Android mobile now a days, Here are top 5 free android apps, from android app store for 2013.

Android operating system are used for mobile phones and tablets, and was developed by google, the os became so popular that over 1.5 million Android cell phones are sold every day (According to google).
Millions of apps are available now for Android mobiles, including large number of free android app.

We took An online survey from more than 50 peoples and collected data Across the web to Find out 5 best Free android app from android app store.

Here are some of the popular android apps that we found from our survey, wechat, true caller,Hotspot shield, Facebook, Twitter ,Lg tv remote, whatsapp, opera mini, km player, uc browser, hike, yahoo, gtalk, quick office, gmail, crazy call, Facebook messanger, and much more.

Finally from all the data we collected, we are here with top 5 Free Android apps:


One of the most popular, free android app, which almost every internet user uses, came first in our ranking from android app store, for free of cost.

Almost every Android mobile phones coming these days have Facebook Preinstalled in it.

Keeping up with friends is faster than ever.
โ€ข See what friends are up to
โ€ข Share updates, photos and videos
โ€ข Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts
โ€ข Text, chat and have group conversations
โ€ข Play games and use your favorite apps


Download Facebook for Android mobile from Google Android app store for free from here


Second in our Ranking of top free apps comes WeChat, popular messaging app, and the one trending in Googles app store from long time.

As Facebook this app also comes preinstalled with most of mobile phones these days.


Free texting, voice messages, and video calls in your pocket. 300 million people love WeChat because it’s fast, reliable, private, and always on.
โ€ข Talk faster on the go with voice messages
โ€ข Crystal clear voice and video calls
โ€ข Instant messaging with group chats and animated smileys
โ€ข Chat with your friends or with people nearby
โ€ข Sending photos and videos has never been simpler
โ€ข Real walkie talkie mode with up to 40 friends
โ€ข Always on, no logouts, never miss a message
โ€ข Get message alerts instantly with push notifications
โ€ข Share, like, and comment on photos with your friends
โ€ข Import contacts and add friends instantly
โ€ข Available on Android and all other smartphones, all for free


Download WeChat for Android mobile from Google Android app store for free from here

3.Opera Mini web browser:

Opera mini the most popular mobile browser, is popular with Android mobile users too.

And is available free of cost to download from google’s Android market.

Try the world’s fastest Android browser!
– FAST: Operaโ€™s speed and efficient controls put it ahead of all other browsers.
– EASY: Surf the web on your mobile as easily as on a desktop computer.
– SAVE MONEY: Reduce data costs by up to 90% with our unique compression technology.


Download Opera Mini web browser for Android mobile from Google Android app store for free from here

4.AVG Antivirus Free:

You need protection for you android mobile, third in our ranking comes AVG Antivirus free, antivirus programe to protect your mobile and provides maximum protection from virus, spyware, and much more.

You can download Free version from Google’s Android Store.

AVG AntiVirus FREE for Androidโ„ข protects you from harmful viruses, malware, spyware and text messages and helps keep your personal data safe.

– Scan apps, settings, files, and media in real time
– Enable finding/locating your lost or stolen phone via Google Mapsโ„ข
– Lock/wipe your device to protect your privacy
– Kill tasks that slow your device
– Browse the Web safely and securely
-and much more


Download AVG Antivirus Free for Android mobile from Google Android app store for free from here

5.Amazon Mobile:

Fifth and last in our ranking is the Amazon Mobile App which allows Android users to browse and Shop by Department, quickly search, compare prices, read reviews, share products with friends, access Gold Box Deals, and make purchases on

This app can be downloaded from Google’s Android Market for free, and is one of the worlds most popular online shoping portal’s Android app.

Shop Online, Compare prices with one of the World’s most popular online shoping portal.
-Compare prices
-Quick search product you are looking for.
-Share product’s with friends
-Read reviews
-Shop online


Download Amazon Mobile  for Android mobile from Google Android app store for free from here

All the apps are available to download for free from google’s Android App Store. The Apps Rank are based on Various data obtained.

Donโ€™t be a silent user let us know what do you think about it in comments below ๐Ÿ™‚

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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