Kosovo Warriors Group & BulkaHackers Hacked and defaced 100 websites from a Serbian server.
The list of websites hacked, was release on Official Facebook page of these groups. hacked websites were showing a deface page with a message:
Hacked by Kosova Warriors Group & BulkaHackers
Server got HackeD – Fuck you Serbia
Hello Serbs, now wonder why you see it on this particular page??
We do it because we can and we will continue to do so
Now the fact is that we are pissed off at both you and EULEX to go and sign agreements which do not concern you, but you will put you in the other countries’ problems, Kosovo is not Serbia ..
We will always remember what you did to our people, you drove close to 1 million displaced people you killed more than 14,000 people are raped more than 20000 women. And you think we should just put it aside and pretend that nothing has happened between us.
Our final word is that we honor all families who lost someone in the war against you
We want justice and we want our missing people back
Hello Serbs, now wonder why you see it on this particular page??
We do it because we can and we will continue to do so
Now the fact is that we are pissed off at both you and EULEX to go and sign agreements which do not concern you, but you will put you in the other countries’ problems, Kosovo is not Serbia ..
We will always remember what you did to our people, you drove close to 1 million displaced people you killed more than 14,000 people are raped more than 20000 women. And you think we should just put it aside and pretend that nothing has happened between us.
Our final word is that we honor all families who lost someone in the war against you
We want justice and we want our missing people back
The list of hacked websites can be seen from the paste provided below:
At the time of writing the Article, most of the websites were still showing the deface page.