National Iranian Television (NITV) & Andisheh TV Hacked and defaced by Kosova Warriors Group.

Anonymous Hacker going with the handle ‘Misteriozi Pirat’, Fromย Kosova Warriors Group hacked and defaced, National Iranian Television ( (NITV)) & Andisheh TV.

Both the television Networks are having their Broadcast office and Studios situated in woodland hills California. and are popular in Middle east.
NITV (ย ย is currently broadcast in persian language, widely throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, and Northern Africa. and Andisheh TV (ย is broadcasted in Persian, English, Arabic, Turkish, Armenian and Assyrianย to the United States,ย Canada,ย Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the Middle East.

The hacked websites was showing a deface page as shown in the above screenshot. though you can see a mirror provided in the link below

Andisheh TV:ย

At the time of writing the Article both the websites were still showing the deface page.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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