Kali Linux Mailing List website Hacked by Libyan hackers

The public mailing list domain of Kali Linux (lists.kali.org) was hacked and defaced earlier today byย Libyan hackers going with the handle “The GreaT TeAm”.

Kali Linux Mailing List website Hacked by Libyan hackers

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing, maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd.

Hacker has stated that the hacked subdomain is being hosted by a company called Mailman List and that,ย Mailman List is vulnerable to #heartbleed vulnerability which he used to gain access to the administrative account.

Kali Linux team later tweeted that hacked subdomain was infact inactive. ย It was also a 3rd party domain with ย 0 volume mailing list and hence they were least worried about the hacking. ย 

Looks like our inactive, 3rd party, 0 volume mailing list was hacked. DNS entry removed – back to sleep, problem solved.
โ€” muts (@kalilinux) April 30, 2014

Mirror of the Defacement can be seen here

Earlier this week, hackers belonging to The GreaT TeAm โ€“ TGT had also hacked and defaced official website of Egyptian Ministry of Information.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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