Shakira is Dead: Did you get that Spanish Mail?

Shakira, the โ€œHips Donโ€™t Lieโ€ superstar and mentor/judge for The Voice singing competition, is dead after a fatal car accident took her young life.

This may look like a tempting and tragic headline to you, the reader but fortunately this is not true. Shakira is alive and shaking her hips and maybe not lying!!!. ย But many users are getting emails stating the above headline in the message. Beware this is a spam message meant to phish you into providing a malware free entry into your PC.ย 

This is a part of a cyber criminal scam which use socially engineering to get the users to click upon the attachment. ย The attachment in this case is a Microsoft word document, which contains a malware payload.

ย Forum users onย Hoax Slayerย stated that the above email is being floated on the internet in spanish language. ย The Spanish-language email claims that Shakira’s manager was driving the carโ€”she died, while he sustained grave injuries. The attachment promises exclusive images and further details about the accident.

Dynamoo which analysed the email, said that opening the attachment actually loads a document asking users to change their Office security settings to enable macros. ย Once the macros are enabled, the macro within the MS Word document goes about its work that is to download additional malware from a remote server.

ย โ€œThis malicious document has a VirusTotal detection rate of just two out of 54,โ€ Dynamoo researchers said. โ€œAccording to an analysis of the document, it then appears to download additional components from an insecure Joomla site.โ€

ย Techworm would request its readers to kindly disregard such kind of mail, even if received from your BFFs and mates and tell your friends about this malware. ย Precaution is the only viable solution against such kinds of spams.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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