Microsoft badly wants everyone to use Windows 10 as it continues irritating users with upgrade notifications
Just few days back Microsoft said that forcing Windows 10 on Windows 7/8.1 users was a ‘mistake’ though that was not for the first time and not the last for sure.
Now Windows 7 users are venting their anger on social media networks that Microsoft has started throwing Windows 10 upgrade notifications more frequently than anytime ever.
The popups are so irritating that it takes over the entire screen and some users find it too difficult to close.
Upgrading to Windows 10 may not be so bad unless you really don’t have time for new bugs and flaws that may get discovered anytime soon, best is to wait a few more months if you have plans to give Windows 10 a try.
While there is a way to turn off these notification by making some changes to Microsoft Registry Editor (“Regedit”) file. However this may not be the best way to do so as this file helps windows to choose what to run when your PC is turned on.
Another ways to turn off these notifications are by using tools available online such as Windows 10 When I Want or I Don’t Want Windows 10
Let me speak for myself and users as a whole, “Dear Microsoft” is there any problem if the user wants to stay with Windows 7 or is it that you think windows 10 is better than Windows 7 ignoring all those bugs discovered after the official launch. why cant the users decide for themselves. continuing this will just make users look for other options. Stop Forcing!!!