Volvo Shows Strength Of Its Truck By Letting A 4 Year Old Control It
Volvo decided to show of its Volvo FMX truck by placing a remote in the hands of a 4 year old Sophie. It is virtually unthinkable to imagine a 4 year old behind the wheel of any road vehicle and possibly even thinking about this will give you goosebumps. But Volvo got a big truck rigged via remote control and a closed course. It than handed over the controls of the truck to a 4 year old to prove a point or two about the strength and the stability of the truck.
Volvo collaborated with ad agency Forsman and Bodenfors for this ad in the company’s “Live Test Series” of ads, the first of which saw Jean-Claude Van Damme performing an “Epic Split” to show the high level of steering precision provided by the company’s trucks.
Volvo says that the FMX is the “toughest truck we ever built” and to prove its claim it provided the controls to 4 year old Sophie.
Sophie however, enjoyed her stay behind the virtual wheels and proceeded to go on a joyous rampage in a closed obstacle course which involves running through concrete buildings, going into deep ditches and traversing marshlands.
Also read: Russia Makes The Best Truck In The World For $50,000