Russia Makes The Best Truck In The World For $50,000

The Best Made Truck In Russia Will Set You Back By $50,000

Russiaโ€™s latest contribution to the automotive world is an enormous two-man ATV called the Sherp. The Sherp is Alexei Garagashyanโ€™s brilliant invention. This big vehicle can drive at 45km/hr, climb over objects up to heights of 70 cm (27.5 inches), turn like a tank and even swim with ease.

The Russians Make The Best Truck In The Universe For $50K

The swimming is made possible thanks to the Sherpโ€™s self-inflating 1,600 x 600 x 25cm tyres, and helped by its (relatively) lightweight 2,866 pounds (1,300 kg). The Sherp is a giant truck that floats, which can only manage a paltry 6km/hr (3.7 mph) on water, depending on the wind and can still do 28 mph on land.

It is expected to have a 44.3 horsepower along with 1.5 liter Kubota V1505 four-cylinder diesel linked to a five-speed manual. It will also creep at up to 9.3 mph in first gear. It also can easily turn like a tank. This crazy two seater can also find a way through the trees ahead that are least 8.2 feet apart.

The Russians Make The Best Truck In The Universe For $50K

The Sherp comes with a tough polymer coating and a 15.3 gallon fuel tank as standard, but it doesnโ€™t come cheap. To get a hand on this awesome Sherp, you need to shell out a massive $50,000.

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Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!



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