Turn your old and slow Mac or PC into an ultra-fast Chromebook using this really neat trick

Try this neat trick to speed up your old Mac or Windows PC using Chrombook for free

It is never a good idea to let an old computer or laptop lye useless when it could come in very handy for you as a Chromebook. Thanks to the efforts of Neverware, a New York based startup, it has introduced a program called CloudReady which practically transforms your existing computer into a very speedy Chromebook.

Let us face it; several laptops which are even 3-4 generations old will still be faster than a regular Chromebook and most importantly, they will have the necessary amount of storage to make sure that you will never run out space. Chromebooks have flash based memory present inside them, along with a SD card slot, but that does not make for a very effective storage expansion combination now does it.

Coming back to Neverware, the startup has introduced an application called CloudReady, and it actually uses a modified version of Chromium, which is the open source version of Chrome that Google makes available to third party developers. For the most part, Neverware works with schools, and is helping them convert abandoned computer back into working and capable units for students so that they can use it for either their leisure or work purposes. Most importantly thought, they also offer the software as a free download for individuals.

For a long time ever, using CloudReady meant ditching your old OS completely and deleting everything you had stored on your computer’s hard drive. However, last month, Neverware rolled out a new feature, bringing a ton of convenience for millions of owners of obsolete notebooks and desktop computers. CloudReady allows users to dual boot their machine, allowing them to choose between Chrome or the older operating system every time you power it on. There is even a video given at the top showing how easy it is to setup so be sure that you watch that.


Muhd. Omer cannot control his love for tech, so he became an author at Techworm to report on the latest happenings in technology, and to educate others

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