Google is working on its own Android smartphone to rival Apple’s iPhone

Google to build a new Android smartphone to directly challenge Apple’s iPhone by the end of 2016

For long Android users have asked this question, why doesnt Google build its own smartphone to take on Apple’s iPhone instead of relying on Huawei and LG to take on Apple. After all they have the financial and technical wherewithal to take on the might of Apple and it popular iconic iPhone.

Now Google is reportedly toying the idea of releasing its own smartphone to give direct competition toย Appleโ€™s iPhone. The new Android smartphone by Google, which is expected to be launched by the end of 2016, is being looked as an attempt by search giant to firm its grip on mobile software.

According to The Telegraph, this would allow Google to take more control over the “design, manufacturing and software” that doesn’t involve a partnership with a well-known brand. The internet giant is already in discussion with the mobile operators about a Google-branded handset extending its move into the hardware segment, sources familiar told the Telegraph.

Unlike its arch rival Apple, Google leaves the manufacturing part to other smartphone vendors, while concentrating more on the development of its Android mobile operating system that runs on 1.4 billion devices.

There have been rumours about Google releasing its own handset for a long time. Even though Google has always been the official name behind the Nexus smartphone, the devices have traditionally been designed and manufactured by other companies, including Motorola, Nokia, and HTC, and the Nexus has typically been a mid-range smartphone. While Googleโ€™s Android operating system dominates the market, they arenโ€™t particularly present in the hardware, and Appleโ€™s iPhone absolutely dominates the lucrative high-end device market.

The proliferation of Android device makers, many of which apply the software differently, means Google has struggled to ensure consistency, with some smartphone owners waiting months for updates, and some manufacturers downgrading Googleโ€™s own internet services which are included in Android.

Its own phone would allow Google to control the software, securing the future of services such as the Google search engine and Google Play app store that run on it.

Ben Wood, an analyst at CCS Insight said, “They are concerned that Android is fragmenting, that it needs to become a more controlled platform. I think they’ll seek to control it more, more like Apple.”

In a recent interview, Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO said, “We are investing a lot more effort into [Nexus]” in response to a query whether the company is planning to launch its own smartphone. However, Pichai reiterated that Google is fully committed to working with OEMs and putting more “thought into our Nexus devices.โ€ Pichai said, “Our plan is still to work with hardware partners.”

The biggest problem with Google’s may be the European Union, which accused Google of monopoly abuse in April. However, a new device is not likely to dishearten them in that thinking.

For now, the story is still a rumor, so we request you to read this article with a pinch of salt. Stay tuned and keep checking this space for more updates.

Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!

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