Best programming languages to get a job with decent salaries

Know these programming languages to get a job with decent salaries

The need for programmers and other affiliated coding skills continues to rise, as the technology industry continues to grow rapidly particularly with the oncoming deluge of Internet of Things (IoT). Making the right choice is very important as coding and programming skills are highly sought after and often the highest paid job positions in tech companies.

Employers across the globe will look for talent who are very knowledgeable with programming languages, skills and right education in this field.

Skills such as coders or Android developers or data scientists are high in demand and employers are ready to pay handsome salaries to skilled employees. Therefore, students and professionals who are looking to build their career in the above fields need to have good knowledge of coding and programming.

Depending on performance and projects in hand, the salaries of developers start from Rs. 6 lakh per annum, which increases from thereon.

Employers in India have a high demand for developers and companies prefer languages like JAVA, JavaScript, C++ and Python. In addition, there are also other languages that will get you decent salaries.

Here are the best programming languages to get a job with good salaries:

7. Objective C:

Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language and is widely used in Apple. This is a good programming code to learn for app development and to develop the Mac OS X platform.

Objective-C iOS Mobile Coding Bundle

6. Python:

Python is a widely used high-level programming language used for general-purpose programming, as it is simple and readable. Python is the easiest coding language to learn for the first time learners. In order to become a seasoned professional, every beginner should at least know this language. Several libraries have been created for Python related to mathematics, physics and natural processing due to its use in the educational field. Tech giants like Google and Yahoo along with NASA, PBS, and Reddit use Python for their websites.

All-Level Python Programming Bundle

5. C++:

C++ is a general-purpose programming language based on C language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features. Many large organisations use this programme.

The Complete C++ Programming Bundle

4. C#

C Sharp is a simple, modern, general-purpose, type safe, object-oriented programming language, which is developed by Microsoft. The language is intended for use in developing software components suitable for deployment in distributed environments. It is used in a number of applications such as .NET.

Complete C# Coding Bootcamp

3. JavaScript:

Not to be confused with Java, JavaScript is another high-level, popular, powerful, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language. JavaScript is a scripting language that makes the pages interactive. JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language to create cool websites and games for the web. It derives much of its syntax from The C Language. Through JavaScript, you can add pop-up messages, etc. In recent years, JavaScript has also gained use as the foundation of Node.js, a server technology that among other things enables real-time communication.

Complete JavaScript Coding Bundle

2. JAVA:

Java is one of the most popular, most adopted and general purpose programming language in the world among others. It is a class-based, object-oriented language and designed to be portable, which means that you can find it on all platforms, operating systems and devices. It is used to develop all kinds of Android apps, desktop apps, and video games. It is also commonly used as a server-side language for enterprise-level backend development. This programming language has long-term compatibility and developers are comfortable with Java.

All-Level Java Programming Bundle

1. SQL:

Pronounced as sequel, SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It is top most requirements for an employer. Demand for SQL is high technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server back businesses, universities, hospitals, banks. All Android smartphones and iPhones have access to a SQL database- SQLite- and it is certainly in popular demand.

Introduction to SQL Training Course

Source: Business Insider

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Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyer
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!


    • I took 2 semesters of java and 2 semesters of c++. Would it be worth it to keep practicing c++, review java and strengthen those skills, or start learning python? I’m not a great programmer, but I need to practice in a language that is in demand to become more fluent. I’m a computer information systems major with a minor in business, so whatever’s more in demand in the business world (networking, security, database, web, etc.). Or should I just learn javascript which i have some basic knowledge of too?

  1. Is it a joke? SQL at first place? Link me at least one job that requires only SQL knowledge with great salary, and I will change my mind, but right now I think girl don’t know what she’s talking about. SQL knowledge is great addition to any language mentioned above, but not a separate programming language at all.

    • i totally agree. I just took a database class with sql and for our final project, we had to create some way to visiualize the data. I used html, css, javascript. ajax and php to put it on a website. The php connects to the database and ran the query. Sql by itself is useless, you need other languages to do something useful.

  2. SQL is NOT a programming language!
    That is like saying HTML is the best programming language. (HTML is not a programming language btw. It is a Markup language)
    It is a database management language. You do not get hired for your extensive knowledge of SQL unless you are a DBA, and the ‘A’ in DBA stands for Administrator.

    Another joke on this list is javascript. That IS a programming language but you are not going to get hired just because your a JS expert. You need some other fundamentals to back it up.

    Where are the more popular languages like PHP or Perl?

    • There are now plenty of JS only projects with the advent of node. Ive been on several at various well known companies (ever hear of of a little tech company called Cisco? 🙂 )

      Perl is nearly as dead as cobol, and php is really niche and only survives because of wordpress and a few others like it

  3. SQL is not a programming language! This author really has no business writing in this field if they don’t know this.


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