Facebook App is crashing for Android smartphone users world over, here is why!

Is your Facebook Android app crashing? Here is how to prevent it!

Facebook users over the world are reporting a unique problem with the Facebook App. It is crashing as soon as it is opened. The problem has left many FB users without access to the social media site over the weekend after the Facebook for Android App stopped working.

Due to some but, Facebook users were confronted with the error message that “Facebook has stopped” when attempting to open the FB app. The bug seems to affect only Android users as iOS users have not reported any issues. Facebook users who experienced the crash took to Twitter to vent their frustration, but luckily it seems like there is a fairly simple way to fix your Facebook for Android app.

The bug seems to related to a particular FB version which crashes on Android smartphones. In order to get your Facebook app up and running again, you’ll first need to close down Facebook completely on your phone – including removing it from running in the background. Then, you’ll need to update to the latest version of the Facebook for Android app using Google Play.

According to reports, the bug is related to a particular version and Facebook has now updated its Android App to patch the bug. However, Facebook has refused to divulge the reasons why its App is crashing on Android smartphones.

The new version of Facebook App doesn’t tell a great detail about what exactly it offers, simply noting that it provides “Improvements for reliability and speed. However, the download notes note that the Facebook app has now moved on to version, as opposed to the previous build.

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  1. I have an android phone Sony Xperia. Facebook continued to Clrash after the update and restart. Nor only did it not work it also caused my Google earching to not open a page I have deleted Facebook . now my phone works. It’s very unfortunate.

  2. I have an android phone Sony Xperia. Facebook continued to Clrash after the update and restart. Not only did it not work it also caused my Google searching to not open a page I have deleted Facebook . now my phone works. It’s very unfortunate.

  3. I have had the same problem. I have a Sony Xperia and haven’t been able to use the fb app for the past week. Uninstalled and reinstalled four times!

  4. I had to factory reset my device, I have a xperia, after factory reset my device, before use facebook, I change the settings of google play to avoid automatic updates of my apps, now I have the facebook version of facebook that comes with my device and works perfect, just prevent to update facebook, this is a preventive action

  5. I had all the same problems.looked EVERYWHERE for answers.funally found a blog about uninstalling android system webview updates from your apps..HALLELUJAH IT WORKED!….finally!hope this helps anyone else from going insane 🙂


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