90000 Facebook, 25000 Yahoo and 20000 Google accounts among a total 650,000 passwords stolen from PonyBotnet controller leak

Researchers from Spiderlabs have uncovered that a total of 650,000 passwords and other credentials were stolen through a Pony BotNet Controller leak.  

Pony is a bot controller which has tonnes of data on it.  It is managed through acontrol panel, user management, logging features and creates a resource database to manage all the data and statistics generated.  The latest controller version 1.9 which has all this data seems to have been hacked and as per spiderlabs calculations over 650,000 account credentials and passwords for Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Odnoklassniki and individual email passwords have been stolen and may be used for unethical purpose by the thieves/hackers.
90000 Facebook, 25000 Yahoo and 20000 Google accounts among a total 650,000 passwords stolen from PonyBotnet controller leak90000 Facebook, 25000 Yahoo and 20000 Google accounts among a total 650,000 passwords stolen from PonyBotnet controller leak

Spiderlabs has given information about nearly 650,000 website credentials being stolen.  Topping the list is Facebook with 90000 passwords stolen, next is Yahoo accounts with 25000 accounts compromised and Google is third with 20000 credentials.

This is not all, some 17000 email accounts are also compromised. And if you think your FTP password was safe, thing again because Spiderlabs says the hackers also stole 7000  FTP credentials.

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