Two of the Google Chrome extension, “Add to Feedly” and “Tweet This Page” which served unwanted ads to user were updated, and extra codes which served the Adware were removed.
both the extension were reviewed as spam from most of the users, which made Google chrome team to remove it from the Chrome store, however more than 100,000 users were effected by each of the extensions.
Google have rolled out new privacy policy which prevents software developers to insert codes that serves Unwanted ads on the page, and may be Some more extensions serving unwanted Adware can be rectified in the Coming days.
last few Months have not been so good For Google, Earlier this year, A Judge in England ruled against Google over its policy of using cookies in Apple’s Safari browser, a Similar case In the Month of October 2013 caused Google a fine of $22.5 million, and the latest In 2nd week of this year Google was fined $200,000 by French privacy regulatory group CNIL for for violating several provisions of French Data protection Act.
Google chrome extension, “Add to Feedly” and “Tweet This Page” served unwanted Adware.

Good news for Chrome users who were fade up with Adware showing unwanted ads while browsing through Google chrome.