The hack was bit of confusing with several Media groups reporting with different stories, and that was because of the fact that few of the details were left unclear.
Since team Techworm was able to take screenshots from Xbox twitter support account, it was confirmed that the Account was hacked, but what about @Xbox Twitter and Instagram Account. Screenshot fired from Syrian Electronic Account shows those were hacked too.
Luckily we were able to Interview One of the Official Member of Syrian Electronic Army, “SEA The Shadow” and cleared up most of the doubts.
If you are wondering The SEA was able to hack The Xbox accounts at the time of Skype hack this year on 2nd January!! you are wrong.
SEA The Shadow: no We did not hack them together.
Techworm: tweets from this image tweeted by you are missing on the @Xbox account, did SEA deleted them
SEA The Shadow: no its an old pic we take it before the hack
Techworm: but it shows edit profile button?
SEA The Shadow: yes i mean before we put our tweets on XBOX
Techworm: we were only able to see tweets from Xbox support Twitter Account, SEA did hack @Xbox too, but no tweets from there, right!!! few Media groups reported that the tweet on @Xbox Account shows that SEA hacked these accounts on 5th of January this year.
SEA The Shadow: yes we hacked it since 5th Jan, but the access to that Account was disabled before we could put the tweets.
Techworm: when was @xbox Twitter Account restored(You lost the access), was it today, since if it was restored few days back, then they must be knowing that somebody have hacked them, and then also their support account got hacked today.
SEA The Shadow: i think that too, or they didn’t know that we hacked their support account too.
Techworm: Why did SEA hacked Xbox Social Media Accounts?
SEA The Shadow: To show the world that we still exist, and we also work in shadows but we don’t publish every thing
Techworm: How SEA managed to hack the Xbox Social media Accounts?
SEA The Shadow: sorry we can’t say that.
Two Consecutive hacks on Microsoft based products social media accounts, put Microsoft’s Security team managing these accounts with big questions. are they not taking the security measures seriously.
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