Pakistani hackers targets Indian cyber space again, More than 2000 websites hacked on Republic day of India.

Pakistani hackers have reportedly defaced more than 2000 Indian websites yesterday on 26th January, on the Eve of Republic day of India.

This is the second biggest Cyber attack carried this year by Pakistani hackers over Indian cyber space, two weeks back more than 1400 Indian websites were hacked  and defaced.
But this time the scenario was different, it looked like Different Hacker teams from Pakistan united, Pre planned and attacked strongly on the Indian Cyber space.
About 2118 Indian websites were hacked yesterday, with most of them being restored or offline now

Hacked websites were showing different defaces, Most of them conveying message to Indian Government over kashmir, few giving warning to the admin of the website to patch the security, and few others warning Indian hacker.

Most of the websites were hacked by Pakistani hackers going with the handle “StrikerRude”, “KashmirCyberArmy”, “PakCyber Expert”, “HUnter Gujar” and the Operation was named as “#OP26jan”

It could also be noted that Few of Indian celebrities including Poonam Pandey’s websites were also hacked and defaced in the last few days by Pakistani hackers.

Where as Bangladeshi hackers are also targeting the Indian websites, earlier today Official website of BCCI was hacked by Bangladeshi hackers.

Few of the websites are still showing the deface page for more than 1-2 days, could probably show that how much admin are worried and conscious about their website, earlier the defaced websites were restored by Indian hackers in case it was not fixed by Admin of the websites, but Indian hackers could not take any further risks, since few hackers were arrested months ago while trying to restore some of the websites, and CBI’s raid could also be a possible reason behind Indian hackers being vanished, Now it is completely onto The Cyber crime department and CBI, to work fix the problems and take actions against the hackers, which seems almost Impossible with the present relations between the Countries.

Few of the Indian hackers who can still found to be active, are completely annoyed on the CBI, and have left their work of defacing or restoring, Now it seems like if the Indian hackers keeps a full stop over their works, CBI or Cyber crime department are not in a Position to Secure the Indian Cyber space anymore.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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