Serbian Government websites Hacked and defaced by PentaSecTeam.

Hackers going with the handle “PentaSecTeam” hacked and defaced two of the Government websites of Serbia. The hacked websites were left defaced and is showing the deface page from more than last 4 hours.

The reason of defacement was included in the message on the deface page, originally written in Albanian, English translation of the message can be read below:

Kosovo has not been nor never will be Serbia, in Kosovo territory, here there is no place for Serbs! Kosovo Mitrovica is as it has always been just will remain Serbs were those who were accepted as “Slavic” in our country one of the first Illyrian tons. You can not delete history that is centuries, Kosovo / Albania are ILIRIDA. You seem to forget that the Serbs are a time were used as “ass” instead of Gomarve in Kosovo sllever you always were and always will remain so. Would never have deleted Kosovo in hand with .. Do not forget that the country was once ion to Nis. Return Russi from where you derived. If the search war, the war will find. We will not stop until you return our territories.
Hacked website and Mirror:
At the time of writing the Article, website is still defaced and have not been recovered.
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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