LulzSec Peru Hacks official twitter Account of United Socialist Party of Venezuela against Internet censorship

LulzSec Peru have taken action against Censorship of Twitter in Venezuela.  Their protest against the Censorship resulted in the official Twitter Account of United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) was hacked by LulzSec Peru earlier today

LulzSec Peru Hacks official twitter Account of United Socialist Party of Venezuela against Internet censorship

It seems that Twitter has blocked access to see certain images on Twitter in Venezuela.  The blockage or the the partial Censorship on Twitter came after the death of three protesters during the recent protest marches in Caracas.  The opposition groups have been demonstrating against the record inflation in Venezuela and food shortages crippling the life of common man on streets of Venezuela. The protest marches have been going an for past three days and yesterday the protesters marched through Caracas for a third day.

Nu Wexler, a Twitter spokesman, confirmed yesterday in an e-mail that the government was behind the disruption(partial blackout). While the protests are going over the roads of Venezuela, hackers are participating the protest by disrupting the Venezuelan Government websites in  Cyber Space.  

In one such hacktivist campaign, the offcial Twitter Account of PSUV was hacked By LulzSec peru earlier today.  They changed the hacked Account description to “Do not mess with the best, hacked by @ lulzsecperu.” followed by a tweet from the hacked Account reading “Hacking thanks to @ lulzsecperu, follow us on Twitter # hackerscontramaduro.” The profile and Cover picture of the Account have also been changed.

LulzSec Peru Hacks official twitter Account of United Socialist Party of Venezuela against Internet censorship

At the time of writing the Article the hacked Account is still in access of the hackers and Tweets and profile pictures have not been removed yet.

The Twitter Account hack of United Socialist Party of Venezuela is not where the story ends, reportedly several Government websites of Venezuela are being DDoSed and Defaced from last few days and the hactivists have promised that there will be more to continue.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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