#OpSriLanka: Hackers from around the globe launches Cyber war over Sri Lanka, to protest against Tamil Genocide.

Hackers from Around the globe have came up together and launched “#OpSriLanka”, Cyber war against Sri Lanka as a protest against the ongoing Tamil Genocide in the country.

Report suggests The Operation was being planned from week’s ago and is live from last 2 days, the main course of attack was planned on 15th and 16th of April and this period can be increased said one of the hacker who uses the online handle “Shawdowforce”.

SriLankan Cyberspace was struck hard there Government should hear us, they should hear to the Voices of Innocent Tamils who they are killing, said one another hacker from Indonesia who participated in the Operation.

A paste released by the “Shawdowforce” who managed the Operation suggests that Representative from more than 13 teams including Anon Ghost -Indian Haxors Team – Indian Cyber Rakshak – RedCult (Lebanon) – Muslim Cyber Corporation(Indonesia) – Pakistan Haxors Crew – Ip Sova Crew(Malaysia) – Indonesian Red Code -Team – Elite Cyber Army (Philippines) – Afghan Cyber Army – Indian Cyber Devils – Sec~Team-7 – Sec_dark took part in the operation.

Some other hackers going with the online handle  Leet Omnicorn – N4ND4 – Gabriel –  Ganes – Eagle Shadoow – Spider64 – Sujit – Akhil Haxor – Justin – Desi Leet – Daksina – Crypted – Glaze were also the part of the operation.

Several Government websites were defaced and others were brought down using DDOS.
more than 100 websites including websites of big Organisations and local business were defaced too.

Most of the defaced websites were showing a short message,

This is a part of the joint event that we are conducting #OpSrilanka (April 15-16).  


We will Speak against your government’s AirStrike on the “NO FIRE ZONE” !  


We will Speak against the attrocities committed by Srilankan Army on innocent Tamil population !  


We will Speak against the War Crimes committed by your government!  


We will Speak against the Genocide committed by Your Government ! 


stop this !!!!! 


(Several Government websites of SriLanka was showing this deface page yesterday)
(Screenshot taken from one Another website which was defaced yesterday)
(Several other websites were showing this deface page)
(Screenshot taken  by one of the Hackers running the DDOS tool)

At the time of writing the Article most of the websites were restored and working back to normal, A paste released by the organisers of the Operation shows a part of damage which was done to the SriLankan cyber space


The paste also contains links to other paste containing leaks from Government and Several other big Organisations from SriLanka.

Paste Released by Afghan Cyber Army https://pastebin.com/KNPP4G4z

Other Screenshots showing websites were down during the Operation,

https://prntscr.com/3a8a1q              https://prntscr.com/3a5yoj              https://prntscr.com/3a5tnp

we hope that this will bring attention of the world on the ongoing Tamil Genocide in SriLanka, and this will teach a lesson to SriLankan Government said one of the Participants. 

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Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power


  1. Ongoing Tamil Genocide in the country? :-/ cheep Indians! there isn't any genocide happen here it was about terrorism and the brutal war so called their dream for Elam, LTTE was the most dangerous terrorist group in the world and It was over in 2009!

  2. Those script kiddies are hired by Pro LTTE's There is nothing to worry about they couldn’t down SL's high profile sites as they claimed. before they were shouted lol what a shame… I feel sorry about your knowledge… it is really easy job to a SEO expert to get first page result in google for keyword "sri+lankan+genocide+of+tamils" you should help tamils if you really want to

  3. There is nothing going on in SL….aand AnonGhost did not take part in it…Actually it was the LTTE doing cruel things…They bombed so many school buses…innocent school kids died….This OP is fake….

  4. AnonGhost are the mains people that managed this OP .. They hacked 2 govs and serveral website + 5000 emails pastebin.com/u/HusseiN98D


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