San Francisco Traffic sign hacked to warn travellers of Godzilla Attack

What will you do when a traffic sign board will warn you of a “Godzilla Attack”, This is what happend last wednesday in San Francisco when a electronic traffic sign on Van Ness Avenue started displaying warning of a “Godzilla Attack” and asking the travelers to “Turn Back”.

San Francisco Traffic sign hacked to warn travellers of Godzilla Attack

The mobile sign was supposed to be warning drivers about traffic delays during Sundayโ€™s Bay to Breakers foot race. however a prankster hacked it to display the warning “Godzilla Attack”, “Turn Back”.

The traffic sign board was fixed soon after the incident.

This is not the first time when hackers have targeted “traffic sign board”. in 2012 a traffic sign in Maine was changed to display “Zombies Ahead” and a traffic sign in Loomis, California was changed to read “Caution Loose Gorilla!”. a year later in 2013 Serbian hackers hacked a traffic billboard to display supportive message to Pirate bay.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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