GTA V online Gamers losing millions of dollars to hackers

GTA V Hacked : Are you one of the victims???

DomIsLive one of the best authorities on GTA V and one who has nearly half a million subscribers on YouTube, says that several of his subscribers reported losing โ€œmillionsโ€ in online games which had seemingly been hacked.

It seems that hackers are running a customized software which allows them steal weapons, loot money, and even make players blow up in their own apartments. ย DomIsLive has said that GTA V gamers have reported losing millions of dollars to this customized software. ย DomIsLive has devoted an issue of his daily show on YouTube to GTA V hacks this month.

You can watch the video below :

Another report in Yahoo News reports that multiple players have been affected by glitches in online games, described variously as โ€œunfairly moddedโ€, ie using in-game tools, or simply as โ€œhackedโ€.

Some irked players have even sought the help of Rockstar Games through its support forums, while several of them are left in a quandary not knowing how to react to the situation as nothing seems to be working right in GTA Online at the moment.

GTA Hacks : What do the Forums say

One such victim posted the following message on Rockstar Support forums after losing his fortune to some greedy modder:
“Dear Rockstar, I have just been robbed of my weapons by an unfair modder his Xbox GT is x alien 2x. And he stole my weapons causing me to pay around $1,000,000 and I earned it fair and square so I was wondering if I could get this money back because I’m extremely frustrated.”
In response to the gamer’s complaint, a Rockstar support staff had this to say:
“I am really sorry to hear this. Rockstar will definitely look into this. However, they may not be able to reimburse you with your weapons and/or GTA$. Also, if you have any evidence such as photographs or videos of the player cheating/modding, I’d recommend submitting a request with them so that Rockstar can deal with them.”

As of now itโ€™s unclear whether one specific GTA V hack is responsible, or a multitude of methods/modders. DomisLive advises his subscribers, โ€œLosing their money in public sessions, I advise you to stay out of public sessions and stick to private sessions with this friend. If you see something strange happening, and if you see someone dropping their money, leave that lobby now.โ€

DomIsLive also reported that Xbox 360 users were more vulnerable to this hacks than on PlayStation 3.


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