Mozilla donates hardware to the Tor Network

Mozilla foundation is reminding everyone how committed it is to the idea of data privacy, and is showing this commitment with a donation to the Tor network. Giving a helping hand to help out the Tor network by donating some of its spare decommissioned hardware, including Juniper EX4200 switches and three HP SL170zG6 systems to Tor.

A blog post from the Mozilla firm states that it is glad to assist and pleased to further the work of the anonymity systems by activating 12 additional relay networks that can be used to ensure up time and spare incidents relating to maintenance or failure.

A spokes person from Mozilla said

“We chose to make use of our spare and decommissioned hardware. The current design is fully redundant. This allows us to complete maintenance or have node failure without impacting 100 percent of traffic…The worst case scenario is a 50 percent loss of capacity. The design also allows us to easily add more servers in the event we need more capacity, with no anticipated impact.”

The move by Mozilla is a part of the Polaris Privacy Initiative that Mozilla launched last year, when the firm said that it was backing user-led privacy control for the internet.

When the Tor talk began, the people from Tor expressed their excitement and Andrew Lewman of the Tor Project. said.

“The Tor Project is excited to join Mozilla as a launch partner in the Polaris programme. We look forward to working together on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations,”

Mozilla launched the middle relay nodes in mid-January as a proof of concept. Tor, of course, is based on Mozilla’s Firefox browser.

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