Emma Watson reveals she received intimate photo leak threat within hours of UN speech

Received threats of NSFW photo leaks minutes after the gender equality speech – Emma Watson

Emma Watson yesterday revealed that she received the threats to publish her naked photos within hours after her gender equality speech at the United Nations last year.

The Harry Potter series star, Emma Watson, 24 was threatened by internet trolls as soon as she addressed the UN headquarters in New York in September to launch the HeForShe campaign, aimed at raising awareness about sexism and violence against women.

Readers will remember that the threat against Emma came just days within the leaking of ‘iCloud hacks,’ images of the Hollywood celebrities like Hunger Games star,ย Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Kirsten Dunst, and countless others.

Emma spoke up for the first time about the threat when speaking at a Q & A session about gender equality hosted at Facebook’s HQ in London on Womens Day, yesterday.

“There was a website set up that was threatening to release naked images of me, with like a countdown and whatever else.ย The minute I stepped up and talked about women’s rights, I was immediately threatened. I mean, within less than 12 hours, I was receiving threats. I think they were really shocked and one of my brothers in particular was very upset.”

Emma said that she “knew it was a hoax” because such pictures “didn’t exist” a statement she had issued in August itselfย when the hackers were leaking the stolen images every weekend.

“I think (it was) a wakeup call to a lot of people, that women are receiving threats like this,” Watson said.ย “I was raging, it made me so angry that I was like, ‘This is why I have to be doing this’ โ€ฆ If they were trying to put me off, they did the opposite.”

Watson’s speech to the United Nations attracted widespread praise for drawing attention to gender equality, with the speech viewed nearly 10 million times on YouTube.

“I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that women be involved, on my behalf, in the policies and the decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men,” Watson said during the address.

“We want to try to galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change.”

You can watch her entire gender equality speech below

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