Microsoft’s Surfrace Pro 4 helps it overtake Apple in online sales

Microsoft beats Apple in online tablet sales

Apple is considered the pioneer of tablets and first brought out its iPad in 2010. Since it was introduced, iPad and its various iterations have been ruling the online tablet world. Not anymore! According the new data โ€œ1010data Facts for Ecom Insights, January 2014 โ€“ October 2015โ€ released by the 101data Ecom Insights Panel, Microsoft is steadily and surely taking over the mantle of top tablet sales.

The Ecom report indicates that Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book have helped it overtake Apple in online tablet sales in the month of October 2015.

Microsoft beats Apple in online tablet sales

Microsoft seems to playing the right cards in the tablets market. The Surface Book and Surface Book 4 were both introduced by Microsoft in October itself. Price wise they are significantly more expensive than Apple’s iPad Pro which is the latest iPad version.

Apparently, the sales data released by Ecom will ring some alarm bells in Cupertino even as Apple tries to take on the global giant in other fields. It is well known thatย Apple introduced the iPad Pro to take on Microsoftโ€™s Surface line after they proved successful.


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