Facebook discloses how many minutes you spend watching videos everyday

Do you know how many minutes you waste watching videos on Facebook everyday? Facebook has an answer!

Besides reading posts or statutes on Facebook, many people are also interested in the videos that get posted on the social media site. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg announced on Wednesday that every day people watch 100 million hours of video on Facebook, while 500 million people watch video on Facebook daily noted Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO later.

In other words, users are watching about 12 minutes of video per day on Facebook on an average. The numbers disclosed on Wednesday only reflect plays from Facebook’s native video player confirmed a Facebook spokesperson. These numbers represent people who click on other third-party sites or YouTube to watch videos that are not included in their news feeds.

While those numbers might appear a lot, people spend 12 minutes pales in comparison to the 40 minutes on average in watching videos on YouTube from their mobile devices. In addition, those hours could add up to the numbers, as Facebook’s video player starts playing automatically when you scroll through your feed.

On Wednesday’s call, Zuckerberg echoed plans to build a place on Facebook devoted exclusively for video, as the social networking giants has plans on making video a more strong part of the platform, similar to its competitor like YouTube.

If Facebook are able to convert YouTube loyalists, a separate space for video could increase viewership. At the moment, video search functions of Facebook need to be more organized. In all likelihood, you are watching video that is shared directly to your news feed than the ones that are actively searching for things you want to watch. Finding and watching video on Facebook might be a more enjoyable experience, once itโ€™s a bit more organized.

However, Facebook will have to handle issues related to copyright and individuals tearing off viral YouTube videos and uploading them directly on Facebook, while it goes about increasing its video efforts.

Facebook’s failure to stop people from stealing content has attracted criticism from the Web’s biggest content creators. They have also deplored Facebook’s algorithm that favors Facebook’s own native video over shares from YouTube and other sites. No information was provided by the Facebookโ€™s spokesperson concerning the number of videos pulled by Facebook for copyright violations.

Kavita Iyer
Kavita Iyerhttps://www.techworm.net
An individual, optimist, homemaker, foodie, a die hard cricket fan and most importantly one who believes in Being Human!!!

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