Designer of holograms for Star Wars : The Force Awakens is giving it for Free

The guy who designed holograms for Star Wars : The Force Awakens is giving Star Wars 3D models for Free

Andrew Kramer, the VFX guy who helped in designing those awesome holograms for Star Wars : The Force Awakens, is giving tons of specialised and accurate 3D models from the movie for free.

The 3D models ย areย made specifically for use in his own 3D plugin for after effects called Element 2 [V2.2]. They ARE NOTย specifically made to be 3D printed but you may try to 3D print them but your results might vary in success if you try to do so.

It was suggested by a redditor that instead of trying to 3D print the model, edit and reconfigure the model files in the download in order for the models to have a high probability of being successfully fully printed when you try to do so.

Here are are the 3D Models Kramer is giving for free :

  • Tie Fighter
  • Imperial Corridor Pieces
  • Luke Lightsaber
  • Obi-Wan Lightsaber
  • Darth Vader Lightsaber
  • R2-D2
  • BB-8
  • X-Wing
  • Tatooine Water Vaporator

Remember these can only be rendered with Kramer’s specialised 3D plugin for after effects called Element 2 [V2.2]

Those who dont know Kramer, he isย host of over 100 tutorials and creator of title sequences for TV’s Fringe and the film Star Trek. As a freelance artist and web designer at age 20, Kramer began to work on the Video Copilot website from his apartment in Southern California. The website started with a single product and a handful of short After Effects tutorials that were featured on the Creative Cow community.

You can head over to his website for the downloads.

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