How To Fix Microsoft Edge 105 Crashes On Windows

If you’re facing Microsoft Edge Crashing Problem after the release of Microsoft Edge 105 then you’re not alone. Several, internet-based functionality of Windows 11 that rely on Microsoft Edge are also malfunctioning after the recent update.

The update was supposed to add several new features to the browser like security improvements, group policies, and many others. Sadly many users have reported on Reddit and Microsofts Answers Forum that they cannot launch the browser after the recent update.

Well, the problem came into existence due to a deprecated MetricsReportingEnabled policy in the Windows registry. This policy allows users to enable or disable the reporting of usage or crash-related data.

Microsoft officials have confirmed that the problem will be fixed in the next stable release of the browser.

If you’re facing Microsoft Edge Crashes then continue reading as we have shared a working method to resolve the problem completely.

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Fix Crashing Microsoft Edge

Follow this guide step by step to resolve the crashing problems with Microsoft Edge,

  • Firstly launch Registry Editor using the start search bar.
  • Next, navigate to โ€œHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edgeโ€ or โ€œHKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edgeโ€
  • Now search for โ€œMetricsReportingEnabledโ€ and delete related entries.
  • Lastly, close Registry Editor

You have to now reboot your PC. If everything goes well then Microsoft Edge will start again.


So this was a simple and easy-to-follow guide on How To Fix Microsoft Edge 105 Crashes On Windows.

Anubhav Tyagi
Anubhav Tyagi
Just a normal guy who listen to lots of music, but apart from that I love Tech!

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