Anonymous hackers going with the twitter handle ‘@LIberoamericaMu’, ‘@AnonsVenezuela’, ‘@HackerArgentino’ and ‘@AlfabetoVirtual’ together hacked and defaced several Government websites of Venezuela.
All the hacked website was showing a deface page as shown in the screenshot above. deface page also showed a written Message in Spanish, which in English translation stated,
This post is dedicated to all venezonalos, we will not allow thiscorrupt government dominates our way of thinking we are prepared to face them MATURE FUCK YOU!!Cuba will not allow our country to dominate.Outside CASTRO DE VENEZUELA!PD: ARGENTINA FROM SUPPORTING ALL THE VENEZUELAN COMMUNITY! ๐
List of hacked websites can be seen below:
From all 12 defaced websites, 11 of the websites are of Government of Venezuela and 12th website is a Military Subdomain of Venezuela.
At the time of writing the Article all websites were still showing the deface page.