Jimmy John’s Confirms Credit Card Data Breach at 216 Stores

Jimmy john’s is the Latest to Confirm Credit Card Data Breach

The popular sandwich chain Jimmy John’s is the long list of companies, latest to confirm a security breach, which may have affected its customers credit card data, the company confirmed Wednesday.

The company said it was investigating a possible data breach after it learned of a possible security incident on July 30, 2014.

Jimmy John’s hired third party forensic experts to assist with its investigation. the company said , it appears that customers’ credit and debit card data was compromised after an intruder stole log-in credentials from Jimmy John’s point-of-sale vendor and used these stolen credentials to remotely access the point-of-sale systems at some corporate and franchised locations between June 16, 2014 and September 5, 2014

Approximately 216 stores were affected by this data breach.  Jimmy John has has it stores at about 1,900 locations.

What kind of Data was Compromised !!!

The credit and debit card information from the cards that were swiped by the consumers at the affected 216 stores might have been compromised, which may include the customers card number and in some cases the cardholder’s name, verification code and the card’s expiration date.  The company has clarified that the cards used online or entered manually are not affected, the company said.

How to know if you have shopped in one of the affected stores !!!

The Company has released a list of stores which may have been affected by the breach, if you have shopped at the listed store in between June 16, 2014 and September 5, 2014,  your credit card data may have been compromised and it is suggested that you get in touch with your card issuer and monitor your credit card account.

The company said it has taken necessary steps to prevent any similar event from occurring in the future.  Among the steps it is initiating to protect any further breach includes installing encrypted swipe machines, implementing system enhancements, and reviewing its policies and procedures for its third party vendors.  As is the norm of the industry, Jimmy John will be providing identity protection services to impacted customers, it said.

Jimmy John’s  is latest to be added to the list of companies affected by a data breach, Earlier big websites and online eCommerce sites like Target, Neiman Marcus, grocer Supervalu, P.F. Chang, Dairy Queen, Goodwill, Home Depot, TripAdvisor’s Viator and several others were effected by a similar data breach.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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