How to share files from one Android smartphone to another using Android beam

Share anything you like from one Android smartphone to another using Android Beam feature

Android Beam debuted in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, which was kind of cool at that time, but not all that useful. With Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google has upped the game by adding Android Beam to the Share menu and allowing you to send files, documents, or even photos from one phone to another phone by simply touching the two devices together.

Android Beam is a quick and simple way to share content with another Android device. Unlike Appleโ€™s AirDrop you do need to bang phones, but you get a wider compatibility of devices since the feature is built into nearly all Android phones.

It will even work for files or photos that are stored in the shade, as in not physically on your device. Assuming both devices have NFC and at least the sending device has Android Lollipop or higher, itโ€™s quite easy to do.

Beaming a file or photo is as simple as opening the app thatโ€™s related to it and tapping on the Share icon. You should see Android Beam as an alternative. Just tap on Android Beam to start the process. All you need to do it touch the backs of both phones together, and the file or photo will be transferred. So for instance, letโ€™s say you want to send a photo. Just open the Gallery app and find the photo. Tap on the Share icon, hit on Android Beam, and touch the backs of both devices. Both devices will get a notification that the Beam was successful.

If you have a Samsung device the fastest way to find this setting is searching. Just find the search bar at the top of the settings menu and type โ€œAndroid Beam.โ€ Then you are in business.

You first need to make sure your deviceโ€™s NFC capability is flipped on. Then, make sure to turn on the Android Beam switch. Now when you want to send an item to another Android user, just select the Android beam icon from the sharing menu.

For files, you might have to use an app like Astro File Manager or ES File Explorer. If itโ€™s something that is already in your download folder, you can simply use the Downloads app found on many Android devices. However, some manufacturers suggest their own version of a file manager that will also work.
Be sure you then touch both devices so the NFC chips register the contact. On some phones and tablets, it may be a good idea to restart in order for the new setting to take. Nexus users can access a specific Google with other suggestions.

You can also use Google+ photos as well as pretty much any other cloud service. The majority of them should work with the Share menu, including Google+ photos.

I hope this guide helped you. Please let me know if I missed anything, and be sure to knock up our other Android Lollipop guides.


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