The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The internet unites to troll Isis fighters as rubber ducks

Trolling is the ancient art of Internet and nowย controversial message board 4chanย usersย have come together to troll ISIS by photoshopping images of Isisย jihadis into yellow rubber ducks.

Earlier, the online hacktivist group, Anonymous has employed a similar trick of trolling ISIS and their affiliates by โ€˜rick-rollingโ€™ their propaganda videos and weblinks. For uninitiatedย rick-rolling is when someone thinks they are about to watch or read something online and then the video of Rick Astleyโ€™s 1987 hit โ€˜Never Gonna Give You Upโ€™ starts playing.

And last week, GhostSec, a group affiliated with Anonymous took down an Isisย page and replaced it with a Viagra advert.

Coming back to the current troll, user of a private 4Chan board posted a message, “how about castrating the image of IS by replacing the faces on ALL the propaganda photos with bath ducks” – and 4Chan users rose to the occasion gloriously.

The submissions have been collected on Imgur as an album called ‘create the duck state‘, the fruits of which can be seen below.


The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducksThe world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

Even the message on the now infamous flag in the image has been replaced to read as ‘duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck.’

The world users unite to depict ISIS as rubber ducks

Ok, Trolling is our birthright!!!

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