Parrot Security 3.2 “CyberSloop” Ethical Hacking OS With Linux Kernel 4.7 And Basedย Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch” Released Today
If you are a hacker, pentester, or a security researcher, this news should interest you. The best Linux OS after Kali, Parrot Security 3.2 “CyberSloop” was released today. The developers released the second point release to the Debian-based Parrot Security 3.x GNU/Linux distribution designed for ethical hackers and security researchers.
Surprisingly, the Parrot Security team has still not announced it as of yet but a vigilant reporter from Softpedia noticed the hacking OS go live on Parrot Security 3.2 “CyberSloop”going live on their website and decided to try it out. Dubbed CyberSloop and based on the Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch (Debian Testing) operating system, Parrot Security 3.2 is now powered by Linux kernel 4.7.5.
Dubbed CyberSloop and based on the Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch (Debian Testing) operating system, Parrot Security 3.2 is now powered by Linux kernel 4.7.5. The new OS hasย the latest MATE 1.16 desktop environment which would excite many hackers.
Parrot Security 3.2 is mostly for hackers and pentesters who like would like a no-nonsense ethical hacking distro on their computers. However, if you’re running Parrot Security 3.1 or a previous version from the 3.x series on your machine, all you have to do is update your installation.
Besides the Full Edition that’s shipping with the MATE 1.16 desktop, Live ISO images of Parrot Security 3.2 are currently provided with the LXDE desktop environment (Parrot LXDE Edition – 32-bit only), and you can also download Parrot Cloud Edition, Parrot Lite Edition, and Parrot Studio (64-bit only).
Recommended requirements for running Parrot Security 3.2 are a computer with at least 1Ghz dual-core processor, 32-bit, 64-bit or ARMhf, minimum 256 MB of RAM (2 GB RAM recommended), Legacy BIOS or UEFI, and up to 16GB free disk space.
You can download the latest Parrot Security 3.2 Beta edition right now from hereย or from Softpedia servers here.