Download ExaGear Windows Emulator APK for Android

ExaGear is a Windows emulator developed by Eltechs. It allows you to run Windows OS on Android smartphones or tablets.

You can download the ExaGear emulator APK, which will let you run Windows apps and games on Android.

It creates a virtual environment on your device.

Exagear emulates X86 thus allowing to run X86 games and apps.

People download ExaGaear APK mostly to play games like Resident Evil 2, Shrek 2, Prototype, GTA 5, and Far Cry 2, amongst dozens of other games.

The list is growing gradually so don’t wait and download it now and also learn to install it using our brief tutorial.

Download ExaGear Windows Emulator APK

Running ExaGear emulator on Android can be difficult if you don’t have the right files. So make sure to download both of them on your device.

FilesExaGear APK, OBB
Download LinkDownload ExaGear Emulator APK
Download Link for OBBDownload OBB
Source Official forum posting

Also ReadBest Windows emulator for Android

How to install ExaGear Windows emulator on Android

1. Download and extract the OBB file directly on your phone, as it is the body that makes ExaGear work.

If you have downloaded it on the computer, then move it to a location on mobile like /storage/emulated/0.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

2. After that, install the ExaGear APK on your device. The only permission it should ask for is for the storage.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

3. Once installed, launch ExaGear from your home screen. The first-time launch will take a couple of seconds to set everything up.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

Note – If it is not getting launched, then there is a problem with the OBB file. It is either not placed in the right place or not has been extracted.

4. When it does boot up, head to the hamburger menu.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

5. Then tap on manage containers.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

6. Tap on the plus sign to create a new container

Download Exagear Emulator APK

7. After that, select run from the vertical-dot menu.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

8. If everything is configured properly, then you will land on the ExaGear environment. It looks familiar to Windows 98.

Download Exagear Emulator APK

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ExaGear APK Free?

Yes, ExaGEAR APK is free. There is a paid gold version, which gets new features at a faster rate.

Is ExaGear still available?

ExaGear’s official developers stopped the development owing to budget issues. Now, it is taken forward by volunteers, so the pace of releases has become slower.

Are PC games free on ExaGear?

No, PC games are not free on ExaGear. You have to use your original copy to play games PC games on ExaGear.

Start using ExaGear on Android

So this is how you download ExaGear Windows emulator APK for Android. Make sure to download the OBB file, which is mandatory to run the emulator.

Emulation is a resource-intensive task, so make sure to use a powerful device to run the Windows emulator.

Amaan Rizwan
Amaan Rizwan
Anything and everything because titles should not define us. A non-fiction lover. Khalid Hosseini and Ruskin Bond fan. Aspiring to be better than yesterday.

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