Mark Zuckerberg’s Answer To People Who Ask Girls To ‘Date The Nerd’

Mark Zuckerberg’s Response To Grandma Who Wants Her Granddaughter To ‘Date The Nerd’

Mark Zuckerberg controls the social networking behemoth with ease and finds time to advise his fans about different problems of life. In a recent Facebook interaction, he reminded a grandmother to think a little bit bigger when it comes to discussing future goals with her granddaughters.

The situation arose when Zuckerberg posted about the “personal challenges” he wants to take on in the new year. While he says in past years he’s set goals to learn Mandarin or read two book per month, this year he wants to focus on building an artificial intelligence system for his home. He writes, “I’m going to start by exploring what technology is already out there. Then I’ll start teaching it to understand my voice to control everything in our home — music, lights, temperature and so on… Every challenge has a theme, and this year’s theme is invention.”

Every year, I take on a personal challenge to learn new things and grow outside my work at Facebook. My challenges in…

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Zuckerberg fan who is also a grandmother commented on his Facebook wall to thank him for his continued work on Facebook and said, “I keep telling my granddaughters to date the nerd in school, he may turn out to be a Mark Zuckerberg!”


Zuckerberg responded brilliantly, writing, “Even better would be to encourage them to *be* the nerd in their school so they can be the next successful inventor!”


His response has since received 20000 likes and many Facebookers agreed with his views. One user wrote, “Thank you for your answer that holds females in a place of equality. So refreshing.”

After the post got thousands of likes, Loretto wrote on her own Facebook to clarify the intention behind her initial remark.

“I’ve done everything in my life MYSELF, my children’s dad died at a very young age and I did it all,” she wrote. “Starting 2 businesses. I said it once to them in jest and NEVER did I think anyone would even see this, let alone get the attention it has gotten.”

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