Master list of 100s of VPN service providers based on their performance and prices

Here is a really big spreadsheet detailing particulars of 100s of VPN service providers

Virtual Private Network ss the use of a public network – mainly the Internet, to create private, secure wide area networks. A more formal definition of a VPN: a combination of tunneling, encryption, authentication, and access control technologies and services used to carry traffic over the Internet, a managed IP network or a provider’s backbone. The traffic reaches these backbones using any combination of access technologies, including T1, frame relay, ISDN, ATM or simple dial-up access. As stated above, there’s one thing all virtual private networks have in common: They all share the same core set of technologies, which consists of tunneling, encryption, authentication and access control.

There are hundreds of VPN providers so it is difficult for a user to choose a service based on the services it provides and the fees it charges. Choosing a VPN service provider is often a trial and error method, trying and choosing the one that suits us the best.

That One Privacy Guy, a Redditor has made a incredible master spreadsheet detailing particulars of 100s of such VPN providers. He has said that it hours to make the spreadsheet so that he could choose the right VPN.

“It did take hours! I made it to help me choose a VPN company and thought others would like it as well, so here you go!”

That One Privacy Guy’s effort can be understood only by visiting the spreadsheet which he has put on Google Docs here.

Be advised that there may be some mistakes here and there and some information may not have been updated. If you feel you can add something to this awesome spreadsheet, do contact That One Privacy Guy here.


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