Roblox FPS Unlocker: Increase FPS from 60 FPS Cap

Roblox is a very popular online gaming platform that enables its users to create, share and play games with other users.

Roblox has millions of daily active users and thus the server load is always high.

Roblox FPS is by default capped at 60FPS which works smoothly without lag.

However, if you want to gain the upper hand in the games by changing the Roblox FPS cap then this article will help you.

Roblox FPS Unlocker

Here is how you directly, use software or without software, use a script or tool to unlock Roblox 60 FPS cap and increase it to desired value.

1. Roblox FPS Unlock Using Official Settings

Maximum Framerate setting roblox

Roblox now provides windows users an option to increase or decrease FPS from its app with Maximum Frame rate settings.

1. In order to do so Open the Roblox app and launch any Game of your choice.

2. Inside the game go the settings options.

3. Select desired fps value under maximum frame rate settings.

2. Unlock Roblox FPS With A Software

1. To unlock Roblox FPS using software, head on to the latest GitHub Roblox FPS Unlocker v5.0 and download rbxfpsunlocker zipped file.

2. Your Internet browser like Chrome or antivirus software may flag it as a virus as it helps in modifying the Roblox process to unlock fps. Be sure it is safe. Add it as an exclusion and continue.

3. Extract the folder to anywhere and run the file rbxfpsunlocker.exe

You will be successfully able to Unlock FPS now.

4. To set custom FPS Cap on Roblox. Open The running unlocker tool from the system tray window.

5. Right-click the tool and open FPS Cap and select the required FPS.

3. Unlock Roblox FPS Without Software

To unlock Roblox FPS we will be using FFLag instead of software.

1. Open the folder where Roblox is installed.

For Windows, it can be located at:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Roblox/Versions

C:/Users/{your user}/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions

For MAC, it can be located at the path:


2. Open each folder starting with “version” and look for “RobloxPlayerBeta

3. Create a ClientSettings folder in the version folder with RobloxPlayerBeta.

4. Download and add the clientsettings json file in the ClientSettings folder. Or, alternatively, create a file inside the folder and set the following FFlag

{“DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps”: 144}

5. Now set the FPS value you want to put the cap at. Recommended 120 FPS for 120hz monitor and 240 FPS for 240hz monitor, and so on.

You have successfully unlocked Roblox FPS from the 60 FPS limit now.


Is FPS Unlocker allowed on Roblox?

Roblox FPS Unlocker is allowed on Roblox. VP of Roblox Corporation announced at the Roblox Developers Conference 2019 that its use will not result in any sort of ban or punishment.

Is Roblox FPS Unlocker A virus?

Roblox FPS Unlocker if downloaded from a trusted source is not a virus. Your web browser and antivirus may flag it as a virus as the tool make changes to the Roblox running process.

Is Roblox FPS Unlocker safe?

Roblox FPS unlocker is completely safe, it is not a virus and the use of it will not get you banned on Roblox.

How Does Roblox FPS Unlocker Tool Work?

Roblox FPS unlocker tool or script rewrites the memory of running Roblox process. Thus helping users to set or modify to get higher FPS in Roblox Games.


Hope this tutorial has helped you in unlocking Roblox FPS and thus providing better gameplay.

Abhishek Kumar Jha
Abhishek Kumar Jha
Knowledge is Power

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