Hackers, ‘Mr. Smith group’ threaten to leak the Game of Thrones Season 7 Final Episode

Hackers calling themselvesย ‘Mr. Smith group’ have promised to leak Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7, the final GoT episode of 2017

As we said HBO is having a bad 2017. It all started with a hacking group hacking HBO servers and stealing 1.35 TB data including scripts of Game of Thrones Season 7 and other HBO blockbuster TV series. Then some employees of Star India leaked the GoT Season 7 Episode 4 “Spoils of War.” Matters got worse as HBO Spain mistakenly aired the Game of Thrones Episode 6 “Beyond the Wall” a full six days before it is to be aired internationally today.

Now comes the worst news. The hackers who call themย ‘Mr. Smith group’ who had hacked the Twitter and Facebook accounts of Game of Thrones run by HBO guys allege that they have access to the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 which is the last episode of the current 2017 season.

The Game of Thrones Season 7 has thrown a lot of surprises for GoT fans. The 2017ย season saw all the living Stark kin meet albeit, without Jon Snow, King of the North who is in Dragonstone. The GoT season also saw the mother of Dragons attack Red Keep to burn all supplies and thousands of House Lannister soldiers. Ser Jamie managed to escape the fiery fury of Viserion, the Dragon that Daenerysย was flying with the help of Ser Bronn. The next GoT Season 7 Episode 5 “Eastwatch” sees Jon Snow and his group set foot beyond the Wall to bring proof of the White Walkers and The Night Kings existence to Cersei and Daenerys. The entire suspense buildup has left GoT fans gasping for more and the hackers are spoiling the fun for them as well as HBO.

According to the hackers,ย ‘Mr. Smith group’ they haveย login credentials for a number of HBO’s social media, including the official HBO, Game Of Thrones and Westworld accounts on Twitter. They have also warned that they would be releasing the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7, the final episode ahead of its official release on 27th August 2017.

The so-called “Mr. Smithย group” told Mashable that they “have access to many HBO platforms already” and warned audiences: “Be ready for GOT S7 E6 & E7 as soon as possible.” Mashable did not attempt to verify the accuracy of the passwords but stated they have “no reason to doubt” the group’s threats after previousย GoT Season 7 leaks.

A little history of Game of Thrones Season 7 –ย For those unaware, first, it was the news of HBO servers being hacked by cyber criminals broke wherein 1.35TB of data was stolen that included scripts of top HBO serials including Game of Thrones (GoT) Season 7, Ballers and Room 104 TV show. If this was not enough, a few days later, the script ofย Game of Thrones Episode 4 โ€œSpoils of Warโ€ย was leaked, which was followed by the subsequent release of the entire episode ofย GoT S07E04 โ€œSpoils of Warโ€ย on torrent websites. Later, the hackers went on to leak the script ofย Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Eastwatch (GoT S07E05).


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